
Many queer families and couples find themselves wanting a third party to help them dialogue more effectively or figure out what is causing tension. Some couples and families need help when one or both partners is experiencing an evolution in their gender or sexual identity. Others want help opening their relationship, setting better boundaries, re-establishing trust, or navigating polyamorous relationships and polycules. Whether you want a tune-up or a total renovation for your relationship, LGBT couples therapy is often an important step in moving forward.

Those who have had bad experiences getting relationship advice or counseling know how frustrating it is to talk to someone who does not know the unique needs, desires, and challenges of making a queer relationship work in a straight society. This is especially true of couples and families who navigate differences in race, culture, socioeconomic class, immigration status, age, religious background, or communication style. 

Finding an LGBTQ couples therapist who appreciates the complexities of queer love can heal and strengthen your relationship. I have extensive experience working with LGBTQ families and couples using a multicultural, emotionally focused approach. My goal is to help you figure out your relationship needs and help you communicate about them so that you can find solutions that work best for your relationship.

Call or e-mail me to set up a 50-minute in-person consultation, virtually or in my office.